Sunday, May 17, 2009

5.4.1 What a Nice Day!

Greeting: What day is it today?
sing: "beside, under, in, on-on" one last time
Lesson objectives: Exclamative expressions, use of adjectives in these sentences.
Vocabulary: tall, short, big, small, sky, tower, bird, city
New Key phrases:
"Look at the _____!"should be pretty familiar to them by now. I am starting each class in this lesson with a chant that goes, "Look at the window, look at the door! Look up; look down, look at the board!"
using powerpoint, kids practice, "Look at ____!" use some shocking pictures.

"What a _______!"
Start by explaining the difference between What? and What!
Have students come up with other questions that start with WHAT?
...what is your name?
...what is that?!?
now go back to the powerpoint, Look at the cat!
this cat is from a previous lesson. it is what? CUTE!
let's try our new phrase: "What a cute cat!"
continue the powerpoint using the lesson's new vocabulary. look at the funny dog pictures, toss the ball around and get some fun sentences. what a cute dog, what and ugly dog. what a funny dog, etc..
STEP & JUMP: page 99. count with your students starting at 90. 91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99. page 99 please!

Textbook page 32.count with your class starting at 30. 31, 32. turn to page 32 please!
watch the video.
Listen & Repeat.

where? there
up there
down there
over there

look up
look down

Goodbye! See you on ______day!

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