Sunday, November 15, 2009

5.14.1 Is Peter There? Talking on the telephone

Hello Class!
1st: Spelling test from 5.13
5.14 Lesson Objective: Students will be able to recognize phone conversation and feel comfortable talking on the phone.
Look at pics on powerpoint and learn Key Phrases:

Is _____there?
Lets' _______.
Okay, sounds good.
Sorry I can't.


Sing! to the tune of Yankee Doodle Dandee
Textbook p112
Pre-listen: Look at the picture and guess what the conversation is about.
Look & listen--answer questions about the conversation.

Listen & Repeat (since this is about talking on the telephone, I turned off the screen and let the kids listen to it as if they were on the phone)

(extra time, sing the song again, do it faster & faster & faster!)
next class we will get new spelling words and vocabulary. /ch/ sound!

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